Starting a business is an exciting adventure. But it is also risky! Most entrepreneurs spend $30K to $40K and 3-5 years starting a business. The scary part is that almost 90% of those businesses fail! Many fail because they spend money on incorporation processes, financials, marketing plans, or business plans before they even know if their business idea is going to be successful.
So before you start your business (or as soon as you can after you start), make sure you have a business model that is viable, profitable, and scalable.
To receive your free copy of the Business Growth Checklist, fill out the details below and we will send you an email with the FREE pdf.
At ECatalyst, we are committed to helping you build a business model that will grow. If you are interested in learning more about our Bootcamp (currently in Colorado only), click below to go to the Bootcamp page and sign up for a FREE discovery call or register for the Bootcamp.
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